
Hotel is a game for two players played with pen and paper. It entails picking a somewhat unique word, coming up with four interesting properties it has, and having the other player try to guess a word that satisfies all four properties. Such a word gains VIP status, and is granted access to the VIP room of the hotel.

  • Pens / pencils
  • 2 sheets of paper, preferably A4
  • 2 players

Each player takes a piece of paper and draws a hotel. The hotel has a VIP room, and four other rooms, each representing the individual rules that must be satisfied. On the reverse side, the player writes down their VIP word, and the four rules. On the front, each of the four "normal" rooms is given an example word that satisfies the rule for that room. The hotel must also be named, and decor is highly encouraged - half the fun is drawing a cool hotel =)

The other player then guesses words, and each guess is placed in one or more rooms that it satisfies the rules for. If it satisfies none of the rules, it is placed in the "street" (not granted access to the hotel at all), often with humorous illustration of neglect and despair.

Here is an example of what a game of hotel might look like after a few guesses:

We'd love to see your hotels, so link us a picture in the comments!

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